Greetings, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus (The Christ)…
It is with excitement, joy and appreciation that we welcome you to the Word of Promise website. We are passionate about the work that God is doing, not only through our Church Family, being a part of the Body of Christ, but also that which is being affirmed as well. With God’s infinite guidance and our fervent prayers, we are committed to…
• Seeing people Saved
• Seeing people Discipled
• Seeing people Equipped
• Seeing people Empowered
• Seeing people Serving
• And More importantly seeing people Loving One Another
Oh, Bless His Name!!!
My wife and I are truly thankful for the Word of Promise Church Family. I am especially grateful for the opportunity to serve as Pastor. My personal aim and conviction is to be a true representative for the Lord.
Our rally cry is “WE” … Together. And together, The Word of Promise Church will strive to move forward as One Body, with One Vision, Serving One Lord. May grace and peace be yours. I always thank God for you in my prayers.
We are prayerful that you will avail yourself to be a part of a life-changing Christian experience… FAMILY, LOVE, FELLOWSHIP.
Yours in the Service of Christ,
Pastor Harold G. Robinson, Jr.